Soul Connections

Coincidences? Maybe …You tell me.

Personally, I would rather consider them synchronicities. This is only because you can treat life as a game even though we know it isn’t. Everything happens for a reason..pre-destined. Though we have free will it is for your own good that God, the Creator will put you in your proper place. Consider yourself a derailed train running wild and about to crash. Co- incidences are synonymous to luck.. and destination is your life purpose.

Mae Jacolo Aguilar"apple"

ASK ANYTHING @ QUORAMae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”, B.S. Nursing from West Negros University (2010) Updated Jun 24, 2018 · Author has 54 answers and 81.3k answer views        
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Twin souls, twin flames and karmics..just take a moment and breathe in and out. Now, before you utter a word, or maybe choose to be a skeptic..This article aims to share my personal thoughts on the matter. Convincing people otherwise of how they perceive stuff is not my job. If you are here because you are resonating with the topic, it could mean you’re part of the soul, #welcome.

Soulmates may either be platonic or romantic.

Rebellious attitude and strongholds may cause us getting stuck in this endless toxic cycle and this poverty mindset. Pre- disposing us to narcissistic tendencies, toxic connections and may cause delay in our personal growth.

Misery attracts company..absolutely true!

Karmic Soul mates

*Karmic platonic soulmates

Relatives… and acquaintances..

These are connections meant to teach us lessons about our past decisions and choices. Our relationships with people depend on our personal soul journey. Some sadly may not go through the whole awakening and ascension process because of free will. We create our reality and your situation is the outcome of your choices. At one point we all have been karmic to someone because we have not yet awakened to our spiritual purpose.


Rebellious attitude and strongholds may cause us getting stuck in this endless toxic cycle and this poverty mindset. Pre- disposing us to narcissistic tendencies, toxic connections and may cause delay in our personal growth. ~ innerchildwounds

scenario 1

karmic family members

The reason why you are tolerating bull-s is because you are being toxic yourself.#peoplepleaser You do not have the courage to cut toxic ties! So you always find it comforting to be around people who have toxic behavior. Mostly this is because unawakened people are holding onto that familiar feeling associated to their childhood.
Childhood memories may render us immune to unpleasant people and abusive situations. The young brain may only makes sense of things in so far as who is associated to a certain experience. A simple negative criticism may affect the child’s esteem just because a child sees every adult as this reliable authority figure. To a child an adult’s word is “the Law”. Therefore children just tend to take them as it is without questioning.

Some Fathers accuse their sons at an early age of being a homosexual.. when all the while the poor child does not even understand the meaning of the word — homosexual. A classic example of adults initiating a distorted idea onto an innocent child and the young brain may not be able to process that. The result maybe devastating! Only because one must respect the child’s ability to choose how they are to be identified. #orientation
In this case someone has already pre- assigned this identity..violating the child’s freewill.The child will surrender to the idea of him being a homosexual.

May continue to nurture this idea until puberty and adulthood.. What you tell yourself becomes your reality. Words are powerful!

Children are subject to abuse and abuse may vary according to its intensity. People around kids should be warned that role modelling impacts them heavily.That they should take responsibility of the words that come out of their mouth. That adults should walk the talk. That kids are carefully observing and that most adults confuse them.

A child’s exposure to a certain group or type of people may determine their preferred group of acquaintances or friends in adulthood. These maybe people you mainly attract because of the negative energy you exude. Children exposed to harsh unnecessary criticisms tend to do negative self talk.. all the time and this is what erodes your esteem..stripping you off that authentic self slowly giving into confusion.#identitycrisis

In confused state you become vulnerable, you harbor insecure energy and toxic people may sense that.This is what pre disposes you to bullies who tend to feed onto your confusion even more until you breakdown. Also because of your confused energy, those people whom you are attracted to are also unsure of themselves,mostly shallow and unreliable. #failedrelationships toxicpartners #flimsy #fickle

scenario 2

karmic friends

A covert narcissist disguising as your fake bestfriend.. is a person who is obsessed with your friendship bond, possessive enough to feel angry and betrayed once you meet new groups of people. This is someone who has controlling attitude towards people and this is a serious mental issue. Clearly it is of your personal freedom to meet new people and adding them into your friend circle. Possessive friends are people battling with insecurities and abandonment issues. .These kind of so called “friends” are no less than lessons. #karmics #toxicconnection

BTW, most karmics have sensitive egos , they tend to feel small because they compare themselves to others. A poor mindset, that sense of competition they feel, so this what makes them paranoid and guarded. They tend to treat people as possessions..claiming ownership over their friends and even family. Exaggerated and heightened territorial tendencies.~quite abnormal and irritating actually.. This is what insecurities can do to people.

So, never be friends with people who have huge egos~ #narcissistic #toxic #insecure #possessive #controlling #uglysoul

Do not hesitate to get rid of them. These are bonds that do not deserve your precious time and energy so let go once you have learned your lessons with these “karmic friends”. Those lessons were meant to teach us how to tell the difference between fake and real friendships. It’s time now to meet your true and genuine soul tribe.

A true friend will respect you enough to allow you to broaden your horizon. Thus meeting new people and adding them into your friend circle will never be an issue..this is because a genuine friendship is built on unconditional love and not on competition and greed.

*Karmic romantic soulmates

May obsessively over-assume, enforce and demand attention/affection from someone.. Some maybe lacking conviction #easilysuggestible and codependent..

These are connections that sweep you off your feet, whirlwind.. usually flimsy, superficial and oh sooo toxic. Overtime you’ll slowly see the mask slipping off.
You will realize that the person has somehow emulated you or may have been a fake face at the earliest stages of your relationship.#lovebomb

Karmic romantic soulmates may look like you in the outside but deep within has nothing in common with you.. at all!

( read more on “Strange Chameleons #fakeface” ~ )

Why they exist is because they are supposed to be lessons no more no less.They are easily suggestible. Friends and family circle would be a priority over your connection. So expect that they tend to rely on others’ opinions and unsolicited advices.

Karmic partners will never fight for you because this connection is not based on Love. Well maybe at first until they lose their cool..and finally decide to choose themselves and leave. They will most likely choose a career or some other people over you and they lack proper conviction. ~ emotionalretardation #lowEq

Remember that unconditional love is always patient and kind..

Karmic partners may allow you to think and somehow convince you they are your ” divine counterpart”. Now, do not be fooled by those puppy eyes and angelic looks.
The soul is what attracts you to another person and not just what you may admire on the surface. The way to test this is during difficult times when it feels impossible to mend things between the both of you. If the person gives up on your connection while you are giving your all to find the solution.. then let her/him go. That is not the one.

Karmics are only there for the better days and won’t hesitate packing their bags and be gone when things get rough.So ask yourself, who left you when you needed them the most?

Ring-a-bell? Of course, we all need karmic partners so we learn and become better version of ourselves. Oh and btw, you are not going to sugar coat things about your karmics. Honor their true nature while you were together. If they were behaving like a-holes then simply admit that you had a romantic relationship with an a-hole. Stop crying over them or being in love with the idea of them being nice partners because you know the truth of who that person was. This will help you get out of a self made trap.. move – on.

Moving on for real, means you stop lying to yourself about / on behalf of people who did not deserve you in the first place. I’ve got another hint for you, ever wondered why you and your partner have never been on the same page? You fight over the pettiest things there is.. This is because karmics are not in alignment with your thoughts they are not your “divine counterpart”.

This is why it is most rewarding and certainly worth the trouble to re- unite with your twin.. only your twin flame/soul/ divine counterpart can truly see thru you. You and your twin are one. They feel exactly how you feel and there’s no need for words..

Divine counterpart/ twin soulmate/ twin flame

The reunion is worth sacrificing and waiting for. Say goodbye to petty misunderstandings because you and your divine partner have the same thoughts and emotions. This is what makes you so sensitive about your twin’s feelings. You feel for them, their pain is your pain.Of course nobody said it will be easy because we live in the real world.~ nothing is perfect not even your twin. Twins in a romantic relationship may experience synchronized and healthy interactions.. with minimal unnecessary arguments.

Remember, “the one” is the person who has been especially created for you. This connection is extra-ordinary and may feel uncomfortable at first. This only because of the strong intensity of your soul connection. You will begin to notice the person standing out and catching your eye for some reason.

Odd but cute and so magnetic. Its nothing like the karmic connections you have had before.. this is rather a connection like no other. Not superficial but on a deeper soul level. Your twin flame may look and behave like you. When you look at them its like looking at the mirror. You have the same intellectual capacity, may indulge in the same sports, music ,food, fashion etc. etc..

You will soon realize that this is your real other half because of the synchronicities. I personally have known at least two people who have been close to me whose both mums are named “Eva, prior to meeting my divine masculine who also happens to call his mum Eva .

Some twins are literally related by blood, may have the same surnames or middle names.~ oneroot #familytree

Most of them have at least 10 years gap. Mostly born under the same zodiac sign. They mirror each other since childhood which means they have similar background growing up. Excelling in the same field and went thru similar relationships, struggles and what not.
This is somewhat preparing both of them of whats to come in the future, when its time for the twins to reunite.

” Twin Flames are two people that share a soul. Their soul was created as one soul but the soul split. Since the soul split, one individual has the male energy and the other individual has the female energy. When the two souls meet, they unite back together and merge as one soul, thus, making them one soul. When God created the first male and female soul in Genesis 1:27, He then commands that soul in verse 28 to “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it”. All souls were spiritually ‘one’ in the beginning. But when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3, this caused for the male and female soul to separate. Adam and Eve were Twin Flames, they were one soul. Which is why it took both of them to eat of the fruit, enlightening the ‘one’ soul. “The eyes of both of them were opened” Genesis 3:7. And because God commanded them to “multiply” spiritually, when their soul became in enlightened it enlightened all the other souls, they multiplied in Genesis 1. Thus, sin separated the male and female souls. Leaving the male without the female and the female without the male.Alisha Knight

God created us in pairs a feminine and a masculine and pre-assigned to designated bodies designed to harbor each type of energy or soul. The process of creation is perfect because God is perfect himself.~ no mismatched souls and bodies

False twins

The perfect process of creation only got messed up when the devil disguised as a snake in the Garden of Eden.. tempting Eve was the major plan to get to Adam..and distort both first feminine(female body/ Eve) and masculine (male body/ Adam). The devil is the father of all liars and confusion. This is a hard core truth that’s too painful to accept for some who are in deep confused state. People who are trapped, these are twins who need help to be released from the bondage of confusion. Some people will experience this confusing delusions of the devil by distorting their energy. This is what causes some to meet their “false twins”. Masculine and feminine energies #disheveled #disorientated and finally convinced they are trapped in a wrong body. If you fall for this trap then you are being detoured from your original purpose. The devil distracts people so they won’t meet their “true twin”.~ your masculine or your feminine is waiting out there somewhere..

The aim of the enemy of God is to go against him..#rebel #adversary

The best way of doing it is to make sure that the masculine and feminine do not re-unite.

Some twins may run from this journey because it’s overwhelming.. strange and kind of impossible. This is only because of the blockages put in between them..such as, karmic commitments, age gaps and a whole lot more.
There is a soul contract right before you were born in flesh and twin flames have been together for many lifetimes. It is impossible to not recognize each other.. At least in the beginning it is usually the Divine Masculine that runs away from the connection. The Divine feminine is the one who first awakens to this spiritual connection..She recognizes her Masculine because God has removed the veil on her eyes.. She will look for him and wait until He too awakens. Painstaking but they choose to be together this is why we experience the twin flame spiritual journey.
Happy Valentines Everyone!

Interested in this topic? watch the soul connections youtube channel, you can join youtube for free so you can subscribe to us.. see ya’ll on youtube! here’s the link to my newest project on youtube ” The Story of Tom & Tricia ” #divineunion >>>>

I do not own the Pictures.. please see google images 

References: ; ;; ; Alisha Knight

© Copyright 2021 Mae Padilla Jacolo Aguilar”apple”. All rights reserved. Any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author/publisher.

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Mae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”THE MULTI- TOPIC BLOG- writes about personal interests& passion.specializing on HUMAN BEHAVIOR. elicits toxic reaction by annoyance.certified weirdo& a nurse