
and we invented the cages.... #quotes #thoughts #vegetarian #animalrights |  Inspirational words, Dark quotes, Anniversary party games

So my dear, you really think that you can confine yourself inside this cage forever? .. you better think again. God’s hand is working and He’s the one in control, not you.

Mae Jacolo Aguilar"apple"

ASK ANYTHING @ QUORAMae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”, B.S. Nursing from West Negros University (2010) Updated Jun 24, 2018 · Author has 54 answers and 81.3k answer views        
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Birds symbolize mercy, hope, and divine intervention, among other things. It is a bird that carries the Israelites to safety on her wings. It is also a bird that brings back the olive branch to Noah, signifying the end of the legendary flood. A bird also accompanied Jesus on his first temple visit. They bring bread to the prophets when they are hungry, hope when they feel defeated or alone, and relief when they feel anxious. ” (https://www.worldbirds.org/bird-symbolism/)

Mercy is for those who have been choosing the other path not according to God’s plan but based on their human desires. People who have been given many chances by the Lord to abandon their whims and take his hand . Those who have been at a crossroads many times in their life but still ignore the signs and choose the opposite path anyway. #stubborn #strongholds #blundered #lost #confused

Hope is for those who are beginning to wake up and see the light. Those who are slowly finding a way to get out of that self-made trap causing them pain and defeat in life. People who choose to reconnect to the Divine Creator and willing to drop everything to follow and obey God’s plans for them. Those who are starting to gain wisdom on how to use the gift of freewill. #woke #obedience #homecoming

Divine Intervention is for all people good and bad.. those who lack proper conviction and sense of direction. Those who are bound for self destruction and those who have little time left. God is a Good and just Father. He will never allow us to exploit that freewill. This why it is time for Him to grab that pen away from your hand because you are not being a faithful and true writer of your own story. You have been allowing readers to edit and at times re-write it. #incapable #unreliable

Do you see birds around you all the time? If so, you are being divinely guided once and for all to do what is right. Should you still decide to follow your own desires and needs then you will have to prepare yourself for a meltdown.. and you will not like it.

Hint, when you feel stable and relaxed cruising, dining, wining etc.. then, a sudden strike!

“A calm before the storm”

File:The Calm Before the Storm (4332350518).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

This is God’s hand crushing you and your huge Ego into pieces. To restart and re-build.. a punishment and an opportunity all at once. Feels harsh is it not? This is only because you have chosen the harsh path and this is the harsh karma. We create our own circumstances so stop blaming others and God!

Some might question how about the innocent why do they suffer? Well, you must understand how karma works its like the domino effect. This is why you are expected to think a thousand times over before saying or doing anything.. as this might cause a tremendous blow not only in your life but those who are connected to you as well.

Deuteronomy 5:9 ‘The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’

( https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-generational-curses/)

This is also not encouraging hate or blame on anyone but a moment of learning from our past. But yes.. It is passed down to the next generation(sssss..).

However, a slight turn of events in your own life might just create a beautiful twist to this “generational curse”. Only if you wake up and fulfill your original purpose. #soulmission #lifepurpose

This will only come to fruition once you stop worrying about how much it would cost you. When you are on the right path you are walking side-by-side with God himself.

Matthew 8:26: “And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.” (The Holy Bible)

Come as you are because you are enough. Drop the costume.. also, you don’t need that ugly mask that the devil has designed to hide your perfect beautiful face. Self-love is self respect, uncaging oneself means honoring YOU.. The real you and not the person you have become according to how people view you. Never conform nor confirm their false opinions and assumptions about your own self. What do others truly know about you anyway. Their rotten opinions! Who needs it? They know nothing until you’ve allowed them to take control over your own life. Their opinions about who you are has become your cage for the longest time, so far. Since childhood people around you have been feeding you this crap idea and description of yourself. I do not blame you because I cannot. What you need is encouragement to have a clarity of mind..

Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

Freedom is for those who truly desire it and who are not lazy to confront the truth about themselves. Lying and hiding away is a coward’s game.. no less. To set yourself free from strongholds such as “false ego identity” is a sign that you are truly healing your inner child.

I do not own the Pictures and videos .. please see google images and youtube


https://www.worldbirds.org/bird-symbolism/ ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lTbWQ8zD3w; https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-generational-curses ; https://www.worldbirds.org/bird-symbolism/ ; Emily’squotes.com

© Copyright 2021 Mae Padilla Jacolo Aguilar”apple”. All rights reserved. Any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author/publisher.

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Mae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”THE MULTI- TOPIC BLOG- writes about personal interests& passion.specializing on HUMAN BEHAVIOR. elicits toxic reaction by annoyance.certified weirdo& a nurse