Scarecrow; The devil’s ploy.

How to draw a Scarecrow | Scarecrow Easy Draw Tutorial - YouTube

Are you one of those people who live in fear? Why? First of all, You are not a crow, so its fine. You can relax now human.

” The Scarecrow (Dr. Jonathan Crane) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, he made his debut in World’s Finest Comics #3 (September, 1941).[3] He is one of the most enduring enemies of the hero Batman and belongs to the collective of adversaries that make up the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery.[4]

As the self-proclaimed “Master of Fear”, the Scarecrow is an overly-obsessive and deranged ex-professor of psychology who uses of a variety of experimental toxins and psychological tactics to exploit the fears and phobias of his victims and adversaries, especially Batman’s. Unlike most criminals, he does not commit his crimes for wealth, but rather as a form of “research” to further study the effects of fear on humans (which would eventually evolve into a way to satisfy his own psychopathic desires), making the citizens of Gotham City his unwilling guinea pigs.[4] ” ( )

Just an analogy.. the Scarecrow is like the devil. He finds delight in scaring people around or if not just complicate simple matters.. just the usual stuff~ messing with your head.

That is, if you allow him to..

Mae Jacolo Aguilar"apple"

ASK ANYTHING @ QUORAMae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”, B.S. Nursing from West Negros University (2010) Updated Jun 24, 2018 · Author has 54 answers and 81.3k answer views        
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I did mention several times in most of my articles, that the devil is the father of all confusion. That his major goal is to lead people away from God. That God’s creation is the devil’s target of hatred. So anything that is of God’s, the devil hates. He has already once planted seeds of doubt in the garden of Eden.. caused chaos between God and his creation. Now what? Don’t ever think for one sec that it would end there. Remember all sorts of confusion is not of God’s.. There are good and bad people because of freewill. Good ones choose to follow God no matter what. Bad ones are those who have been allowing the devil to mislead them.

God is stronger than the devil no doubt, being misled is not enough justification or excuse. You are strongly connected to your maker.. if you only take time to listen to your conscience and intuition. Sadly even God’s gift of freewill is being mocked! People misuse and exploit this gift. The reason why you are being misled and confused is because you are misusing your freewill. The freewill to listen to the voice of God #conscience #intuition.. instead of the devil’s. In order to strengthen your lines of communication #connection with your Divine maker you will have to pray and meditate everyday. This is to avoid falling into the devil’s trap, deceiving you with his whispers. Pray for clarity of mind, ask for God’s wisdom.. God will give you the powerful guidance you need. His gift of discernment is what we all need.

Mark 11:24 - Bible verse of the day -

Once you are filled by God’s presence his light shines in and out of you. This will keep you on a high vibration and help you sustain the positive energy. This is what gives you the power to repel negative energy coming from people who are misled by the devil. Those who take advantage of others #powertrippers. Those who are proud to call themselves bullies and meanies.. the devil’s advocates/adopted children!

*The devil’s purpose of propagating bad influences in the world~ To dull once life.. these people used by the devil will have some sort of irreversible thought distortions so they can become instruments in instilling fear and anxiety in us. This is his way of torturing God’s children.


We are mostly exposed to different forms of narcissistic abuse.. reason why we kill our passion for true love because the devil simply distorts our thinking. He wants us to become hopeless and miserable. I want you to bear in mind that unconditional love or love in general is constant.. regardless of how many abusive narcissists have taken advantage of your kindness. Do not allow the devil to mess with what God has in store for you.

The devil always has a counterfeit / fake version of God’s provisions.. and narcissists are only one of many. A narcissist mimics perfectly your divine counterpart. Yes! “The one”, your #twin flame. I would perfectly understand why many people are afraid of this concept.. even the most elect and well informed. Again let me remind you, anxiety and fear are both instilled by the devil himself so you wont enjoy God’s provisions. Just like what the devil did to our early parents.. Adam(divine masculine) and Eve(divine feminine), the first twin flames. The Bible has not given emphasis on the splitting of the soul and the big bang.. probably because these were side events and you’re to focus on the major ones.. who knows?

Plus, there were several books in The Holy Bible that were strategically distorted.. not to mention hidden from plain sight. Best example would be , The Dead Sea Scrolls.. go and read about it.

Since we need to find clarity on this whole twin flame concept, these side events during the process of creation are now serving its purpose. Everything you see around you is part of God’s awesome creation. The oceans and seas.. the stones and crystals.. animals. Since God is all powerful and our God is our maker..

He is able to extend his power to his creation.


Crystal healing, salt water therapy, emotional support animals and the list goes on. The devil does not want us to fully enjoy all of these gifts.. and so he is the one behind those people, who impose restrictions against it. Constraining, repressing and stopping us from harnessing all that came from God. All we need is a clear perspective and proper awareness. Just think of what we are to become once we are free to utilize God’s gifts.. stop listening to the devil and his advocates.
People who are just scaredy cats who seemed to have allowed abusive experiences to control their life. #pessimistic approach

God wants us to be progressive and expansive. In thoughts and in deed. God is love, so do not be afraid of loving the right people.. only the right ones though.

So what is so special about this twin flame concept anyway? Do not tell me you don’t consider the family as the basic unit of our society. Also do not tell me that you and I were conceived out of hatred and not of love.

The significance of finding “your one” is huge. This is that one person made just for you by God, your Divine maker.

Be Fruitful and Multiply – The First Creation Commandment — The BIRTH  CONTROL Movie Project

The only person who compliments you perfectly, a union blessed by God. Like a hand to a glove, that one missing piece to your puzzle. (READ MORE ON TWINFLAMES HERE>>> OR WATCH MY TWINFLAMES STORIES ON YOUTUBE>>>” The Story of Tom & Tricia ” #divineunion )

The “one”, and not two or more.. because there was only one Eve and one Adam. Always go back to how originally things were designed by God himself. #pointofreference

Finally, perhaps it is time to put a stop to all these misconceptions about finding the “one”.. That fear of finding true love can easily be remedied. You do not really have to disregard the twin flame concept.. or at least the possibility of finding your ‘one”. Just simply know the difference between a devil’s counterfeit (the narcissist/ false twin flame) and God’s gift (twin flame/divine counterpart). Stop complicating simple stuff by listening to miserable people! That’s all. The twin flame concept is not at all that complicated. Just except if you are determined to complicate it , discourage people and spread your #negativity.

Misery Loves Company Quotes - APHRODITE - Inspirational Quote

I do not own the Pictures.. please see google images 

References: ;;;; DrawinGeek ~youtube

© Copyright 2021 Mae Padilla Jacolo Aguilar”apple”. All rights reserved. Any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author/publisher.

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Mae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”THE MULTI- TOPIC BLOG- writes about personal interests& passion.specializing on HUMAN BEHAVIOR. elicits toxic reaction by annoyance.certified weirdo& a nurse