Tough Love; The Superficial Healing

21 Bible Verses about Healing - Bible Verse Images

We can experience God’s healing through his providence everyday. We wake up with an assurance of his guidance and love. We climb mountains and overcome troubles because of his unbroken promise of hope and deliverance. So long as we maintain our intimate and up-close relationship with our Maker.. nothing is impossible.

Even those most delicate emotional wounds we have.. God sees thru us He feels you and He fills you up with his infinite cup of love. #unconditional love

This love extends to those that surround you. Just as God had surrounded Adam of all of his needs before He was created. A lush garden was prepared by our loving Father just for him.. and his divine feminine, Eve too, was a part of those provisions. Today the modern Adams are still being pampered by the Lord.. Unlike the First Adam, Divine Masculines of our time have endured a lot of emotional bruising. The Lord sees this and offers them healing. God manifests his healing love thru relationships you sustain and enjoy. These relationships heal you/us by receiving love from our partner and giving it back to them. The exchange of energy is allowing us to flow in existence.. and sometimes overflow to those around us to share God’s love further. As Seen among “twinflame couples” in union inspiring the world.

Mae Jacolo Aguilar"apple"

ASK ANYTHING @ QUORAMae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”, B.S. Nursing from West Negros University (2010) Updated Jun 24, 2018 · Author has 54 answers and 81.3k answer views        
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How does a Twin Flame Union feel like? – My Twin Soul Journal

The twin flame union concept encourages the modern world to propagate unity in love. If you are busy and focused on loving yourself, most likely you will attract love as well. The healing starts once you have allowed genuine love to flow into your life. The moment you start letting go and start acknowledging God’s gift of love. This is the point of entry.. the golden ticket. If you are the Divine Masculine, pay attention to the signs and synchronicities. Have you already met your Divine feminine at one point? The ultimate gift of God is your Divine counterpart/twinflame/twinsoul.

Most of the time God will send you signs thru nature.. birds, flowers , butterflies and more. Just a reminder for you Masculines, please avoid misinterpretations of such signs. For it would take another cycle of completion (10 years) for you to get another chance to meet your twin.. that is, if you missed it the first time. Most likely for those who missed it will have the liberty to listen to their EGO and overindulge for many years. Taking the most unnecessary steps to superficial healing. Oh- no! worse is when the Masculines get too comfy enough and become stuck.

Sadly you will have to go thru this deception because of God’s gift of freewill. That is why Masculines should pay attention to their intuition and stop suppressing it. This should prevent you from wasting many years of your life on nothing but vain and void transformations.#falseegoidentity

The ten year cycle should allow you to at least shed your old skin, hibernate and prepare for the #truetransfomation. Expect to meet your Divine feminine anytime at a most unexpected manner. Mostly awkward and annoying, meaning God expects you to use your intuition with wisdom this time. Considering all those years of learning and reflection on your own.. ten- years..You should be wiser now..

This divine union with your counterpart will help you heal your inner child wounds. Your Divine feminine is the only one who is equipped to guide you every step of the way. She alone is able to see and understand that “little boy inside you. Somehow you will feel her motherly love because her words will ground you. Sometimes you may feel mad at her for calling you out but know that this is done out of pure love.

This is no rainbows and butterflies, because most of the time she will be forced to give you #toughlove. You being the Divine Masculine will be unreceptive and eager to resist this connection at first. This will hurt your twin and she may feel abandoned by you.. but She has already been enlightened by the Divine Father. Your divine feminine is tougher than you think, She knows better than to give up on this connection because you belong to her. Masculines should expect their feminine to be persistent and well composed.

The more the Divine Masculine resists the more God sends painful events so He would wake up and join

His Divine Feminine. God wants you to let go of that false transformation because you are now ready for

the real thing.

Any significant change in each of the twin flames’ life contribute a huge difference to the future union. The

key is to open your mind and heart to these changes and stop resisting.. Change is inevitable, in fact it is

the only thing constant in this world. We change everyday, you are not the same person you were three

days ago. More so 10 or 20 years ago. So stop conforming to your old ways. This is the outdated

mindset that was best suited to your persona some years ago.#falseegoidentity

Some circumstances in life mostly cause

us to change and embrace this newer version of ourselves.. for social acceptance #falsetransformation

Just as a butterfly must go thru changes to achieve its beauty, for the world to see and appreciate its


But how does one become a butterfly? This is perhaps why a man is a man and butterflies are butterflies..

and we should leave it at that.

Again, those circumstances are in the past now and it is time to move on from one point to another.

This probably includes the next big change.. A huge step to level up and reach our highest potential.

A man can never become a butterfly but He can tame one..

Explainer: why do we get butterflies in our stomachs?

What kind of ‘difference” are we trying to promote? Is it about being evolutionary or revolutionary? Do we

even know the cause of your “legacy”? Some people are considered warriors with out a cause.. These are

people who have no sense of direction.. drifting and some have already drowned. We can be drifters only

under God’s supervision.

” To fight and conquer in all our battles is not

supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in

breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. “

Sun Tzu

Sadly, most of the time your greatest enemy is just your “silly/stubborn”self. .

All of this just to prove your self worth to people who did not recognize your value. So this is your answer,

to rebel from what is right?

Then I do not see any distinction between you and those people who have violated you.

Can we stop for while and think hard of what our society has become? If we all are fighting for

attention then there is a great possibility that this planet would be wiped out in the nearest future. You are

not contributing to the society, you are one of those who destroy it .

Twin flame journey is all about the highest goal and point of order. Designed to preserve us.. so we can

experience the highest quality of love. To pro-create and live life fully.


Sharing Energies Of A Sacred Union – SoulFullHeart Experience

We have messed up this natural concept. We have become robots and slaves to our ego.

We respect other people’s opinions and if they do not believe in twin flames, that is perfectly fine. There is

one thing though that made me curious at one point. Where did and how did the concept of family come

about? Why is there a great emphasis on having the Man as the Head of the family and A woman as the

guiding light and partner in his life.. If we all are here only to exist as supposed to “live”, then why do we

consider family as the most crucial and basic unit of our society? Everything we see around us must have

been patterned from a higher order. So what if we try to rearrange things? reshuffle them just for a

change.. anyways were kind of entitled to the gift of free will. ARE WE NOT?

This is how we behave mostly out of our foolish impulse and huge ego. To indulge.. over indulge! To make

a difference and a mark in this world.. a legacy as what you would call it.

How to align yourself with your purpose? What’s our purpose as a whole? Where are you in this right now?

Some people are too high up in their clouds they get stuck in a dream. Alright, granting you are in a

wonderful dream.. with rainbows , butterflies and lollipops.

Are you just watching the colors of the rainbow in awe, from a far? .. or, are you already tap dancing your

way to it.. over it? if so, then are you getting to the

other side where that pot of gold is?

.. or choose to stay and indulge with your never ending dance forever? … seeing the rainbow is just the

beginning.. getting to the other side of the rainbow is another story.. somehow this would require effort

and a leap of faith.. but remember, there’s a pot of gold waiting.

The enticing view.. Those different colors of the rainbow represent acquaintances and unnecessary


just a mere distraction.. so you wont stop dancing and miss your chance to actually see and experience for

yourself the other side of that colorful rainbow.

That gold is your twin patiently waiting, so you maybe rewarded for a job well done! A reward for having

#faith and #obedience.

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This is something that most of us do not appreciate. #ungrateful

I would understand though, if at a certain point you’ve become ungrateful to some people. People who

only give because they want to look good. So narcissistic!

So conditional.. sooo humannnn.

God is not human.. He provides unconditionally.

Therefore there is no reason for us to become ungrateful to him. Your twin, that pot of gold, at the

end of the rainbow is a gift from God himself. It is for free, so take it, handle it with love. For who are we to

insult God?

analogy :

Your Father gave you a pair of blue shoes..instead of thanking him you refused because

you wanted it in pink! It is not about the color, its about the essence of the

act of providing you what you need.

Too bad and too spoiled!

For those Divine Masculines who are still in doubt or just too stubborn and disobedient..

What does it take for people to wake up? Karma? How many more should die and leave.. for you to realize

that you need to set yourself free. This bondage is whats keeping most twins from

seeing the truth. You are sooo high that you don’t want to wake up anymore. #spellbound #egotrip

You think you’ve been healed? NO, NOT REALLY. You are still hurting up until now. That wound cannot be

covered up by your ego forever. Perhaps its time to address those childhood wounds once and for all ..

Only if you desire true happiness over that fake smile. The reason why you still cry when you remember

that little boy inside you, is because you, yourself have abandoned him.. superficial healing/false

transformation killed that little boy. God is giving you the chance to revive him now. Give that little boy a

chance. Accept your flawed self and make amends with your chaotic past. It’s ok now, it is time to settle

down and stop running.

That little boy and YOU are one. So love yourself by accepting the real you. Give YOURSELF a chance, the chance to experience God’s gift.

Twinflames our last love. #twinflame #love #romance #soulmate  #divinefeminine | Twin flame love quotes, Twin flame quotes, Twin flame

I do not own the Pictures.. please see google images 



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Mae Jacolo Aguilar”apple”THE MULTI- TOPIC BLOG- writes about personal interests& passion.specializing on HUMAN BEHAVIOR. elicits toxic reaction by annoyance.certified weirdo& a nurse